Bankers'Acceptances: A banker's acceptance starts as an order to a bank by a bank's customer to pay a sum of money at a future date, typically within six months. 银行承兑汇票:银行承兑汇票是作为银行客户对银行的命令出票,要求银行在未来某日支付一定数额货币,通常在六个月之内。
The Bank will be glad to remit your repayments to the hire-purchase company by monthly Banker's Order. 银行乐于将你的付款以每月银行汇票的形式寄给分期付款公司。
He paid his subscription by banker's order. 他用本票支付那笔订购款。
We also need to have received your first premium payment or a completed Banker's Standing Order or Credit Card Authority. 本公司亦必须在收到你支付的首次保费或已填妥的银行自动转帐指示或信用卡授权后才作出承保。